Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Can I take my alarm system with me when moving house?
In theory, you could remove your alarm and install it at your next premises but you are going to leave holes & marks when you remove the equipment. Consider that on average the labour costs of removing and then installing the alarm at a new premise is probably half the cost towards a new alarm system and that by leaving the alarm system in your existing premises that ads value the property and leave no visible holes.
Can I take my wireless alarm system with me?
Even a wireless alarm will leave holes where equipment is secured to walls but has less cable holes
Do I need to update my billing information with Sterling Security?
Commonly people change banks when moving house. If you have changed your banking details and have an automatic payment or direct debit with us, please contact [email protected].
Do I need to update my contact information with Sterling Security?
If you are moving please advise us of any change of phone numbers, physical address and postal address changes by emailing [email protected]
Can I transfer my monitoring contract to the new people moving in?
Yes, if the new people want to take on the alarm monitoring including the remaining contract period it is possible to transfer this to them and break your monitoring contract. The people moving into your old premises have to consider if they will have phone line with internet or naked internet. If the existing alarm requires a phone line it may need to be updated with an external dialler if they do not have a fixed phone line.
How soon should I tell you I’m moving?
Try to give at least 1 weeks’ notice when moving so we can book in any technician visits to coincide with your move requirements and update any monitoring information. Phone us on 07 839 0324 or email [email protected]
I need an alarm at my new premises, what do you need to know?
Please provide us with your new address, model of new alarm or advise if no existing alarm and what communication is available e.g. fibre internet, internet plus phone. We will then advise you of the next steps.
Do you know when my alarm has a fault?
If you have alarm monitoring, then our monitoring station will be alerted of the fault and contact you to organise a technician visit
I don’t have alarm monitoring and the red ‘fault’ or ‘trouble’ light is showing?
If your alarm is not monitored, then we can see nothing and you will need to contact us. Please do not ignore the red ‘fault’ or ‘trouble’ lights on keypads. Contact us as it can be urgent or lead to a bigger issue.
I am changing telecommunications providers but staying on the same technology?
If changing telecommunication providers but keeping the same technology e.g. phone line + broadband, there is nothing additional required for you to do.
I am changing my landline phone number?
If changing phone numbers, please contact Sterling as may need to update contact details. Your monitoring is not reliant on the landline phone number unless you use it as a contact point for our monitoring staff to contact you.
Will it cost me anything to change over to fibre internet?
.You will need to pay for any onsite technician visits if they are required and if you choose or require a more advanced GPRS set up then hardware costs are additional
Questions about paying for services
I have a direct debit or automatic payment, what do I do when changing banks?
Please email [email protected] with your contact phone number and a message saying “I’m changing my bank details” or phone 07 839 0324. By phone call we will collect your new details and advise you of any changes you need to make. Please do not email us your bank details as email is not 100% secure.
What is your preferred billing method for recurring payments?
Automatic payments. If you are on direct debit and would like to change to automatic payments, please email [email protected]
What do I do if I know I’m going to miss an automatic payment due to insufficient funds?
Please email [email protected] with your name, address and a phone number and the date the payment was to go out and the date you will instead make the payment. We may still contact you to confirm or seek alternative arrangements
What do I do if I know I’m going to miss a direct debit due to insufficient funds?
Please email [email protected] with your name, address and a phone number and the date the direct debit was to go out and the date you will instead have funds available for us to direct debit. We may still contact you to confirm or seek alternative arrangements
When do you take direct debit payments if they fall on weekends or holidays?
If your payment date falls on a weekend or public holiday, we will take payment on the previous working day. E.g. Saturday becomes Friday.